Chris Brearley Featured Image

Chris Brearley

MRCP, DipPharmMed, FFPM

VP and Translational Science Lead, Early Development

Chris is a pharmaceutical physician and an expert in Translational Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Early Development.

He has more than 30 years’ experience in early development, and has worked for many pharma companies, including Pfizer, Amgen, Serono, where he was the head of clinical pharmacology and Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma (DSP), where he was the head of research and development in Europe, providing leadership for clinical development activities as well as medical governance, regulatory affairs and pharmacovigilance functions.

Chris has clinical training in internal medicine, nephrology and clinical pharmacology and an extensive experience of working with biopharmaceutics and small molecules targeted across all therapeutic areas with a particular interest in inflammation, neuroscience, biomarker development, cardiovascular disease, nephrology and imaging.

Chris also has broad experience in the application of PK/PD modelling and simulation to early phase development.

At tranScrip, Chris leads the early development team, supporting our clients with translational medicine and early development activities from pre-clinical stage to proof-of-concept studies and beyond.

Chris is a current member of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine’s Board of Examiners.

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